Pentecost Park
Every Friday in Lent


You Matter to Us.
Sundays, 10:30 AM

The chapel is open for private prayer during normal business hours.

Don’t Believe the Lie.

The Lie tells us that we don’t matter unless we can prove it.
It says we will never be, do, or have enough.
We get exhausted trying to keep up.
We despair that things could ever change.

You were made for more than that.

You were made for abundance.

  • Heal Your Soul.

  • Grow Your Faith.

  • Bless Your World.

You Matter to God.

You Matter to Us.

  • We practice a 2,000+ year spiritual tradition with a proven track record of personal transformation.

  • We’ve been becoming and sharing Jesus’ good news for Waco since 1961.

  • Every week, Jesus feeds us so we can heal our souls, grow our faith, and bless our world.

Heal your soul. Grow your faith. Bless your world.

  • Worship.

    It’s easy to turn in on ourselves, leaving us isolated and alone. Worship at Holy Spirit opens our hearts to God and our neighbor so we can find and live a life of joyful abundance.

  • Classes.

    It’s easy to lose track of time and miss out on ways to get to know God better. Classes at Holy Spirit provide space for you to learn more about God, build friendships, and bless your community.

  • Service.

    It’s easy to get overwhelmed. There are so many needs in the world. Service at Holy Spirit makes volunteering easy. You can customize volunteer activities to your life so you can find life-transforming experiences and friendships while discovering your vocation.

How do I get started?

  1. Plan your visit.

    No one likes surprises. We make it easy to plan your visit so that you can come on a Sunday morning with confidence.

  2. Make your visit.

    Experience Holy Spirit’s legendary hospitality. Go home knowing that you matter to God and to us.

  3. Start your journey.

    In a matter of weeks, you’ll be wrapped in God’s love at Holy Spirit and will have begun the journey of healing your soul, growing your faith, and blessing your world.

People have been hurt by church. We get it.

That’s why we make you the following promises:

  1. You’ll be treated like you matter.

  2. You can wear whatever makes you feel comfortable.

  3. Anyone can see our financials at any time. Just ask.

  4. We will answer any questions you have about Holy Spirit or the Episcopal Church with honesty and transparency.

  5. All our leaders are background-checked and Safeguarding-certified. We provide an environment free of abuse, exploitation, and harassment.

Want to learn more?

We want you to find the healthy church that is right for you. Download our free PDF, “Five Signs of a Healthy Church,” for five vital questions to ask as you continue your journey.