Parish and Community Care
What is Parish Care?
Parish Care exists to be the Face of Christ for the members of the church family. The ministries of Parish Care bring prayer, kindness, and friendship for persons in the midst of life situations including illness, grief, birth of a child, fellowship, and others. This is holy and exciting work!
People tell me that answers to prayer are merely coincidences. I can only reply that when I pray, coincidences happen; and when I stop praying, they stop happening.
William Temple, 98th Archbishop of Canterbury
Prayer List and Prayer Group
“Always pray without ceasing, giving thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Our church believes God answers prayer. We believe that people are healed in mind, body, and spirit through prayer, and we ask God to meet the needs of each person through our prayers.
Parishioners are invited to initiate prayer requests for themselves, family, fellow parishioners, and others they care about. These requests become the Parish Prayer List.
Things to Know about the Parish Prayer List
Ask First.
If you plan to make a prayer request on behalf of someone else, please ask for their permission.
Where is the Prayer List posted?
The Sunday bulletin includes the Parish Prayer List and is prayed by first name during the Prayers for the People in worship.
How do I add a name to the Prayer List?
Call the church office (254) 772-1982 or submit your request online at:
What if the request is confidential?
Confidential prayer requests will not be included in the Prayers of the People.
How long does a request stay on the Parish Prayer List?
Requests remain active until the person that placed the name on the prayer list withdraws the name.
Things to Know about the Parish Prayer Group
The Parish Prayer Group prays daily and meets weekly to pray for all prayer requests.
Together and individually the Prayer Group prays to praise God and petition that God meet the needs of each person or family on the Prayer List.
The persons named, rather than why they were placed on the list, is the focus of prayer.
Parish Prayer Group members volunteer, as willing or able, to contact a few persons on the Parish Prayer List to extend care (e.g., cheerful phone call, send a card, deliver something to bring cheer).
If you feel God calling you to pray for others or to reach out to those in need, send an email to for more information.
Special or Immediate Prayer Requests
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble”. Psalm 46:1
When prayers are needed immediately or for a specific hour, day, or event, an assigned Prayer Team is quickly notified to begin praying.
Things to Know
Examples of Special or Immediate Prayer Requests
An accident, upcoming surgery, qualifying exams, a job interview.
What if my prayer request is confidential?
Special and immediate prayer requests are kept confidential and will NOT be included on public lists.
What about emergencies or serious circumstances?
Remember to notify clergy about serious circumstances so that assistance or counsel may be provided.
How do I make a special or immediate prayer request?
Contact the Church Office (254-772-1982).
How do I get Involved?
Volunteer to pray, no matter where you are, for the person at the time requested. Contact to learn about joining the Prayer Team ministry.
Daughters of the King (DOK)
Who are we?
The Order of the Daughters of the King® is an international order for women who are communicants of the Episcopal Church or churches in communion with it, including the Anglican, Episcopal, Lutheran (ELCA) and Roman Catholic churches.
Reaffirming the promises made at Baptism and Confirmation, a Daughter pledges herself to a life-long program of prayer, service and evangelism.
Daughters everywhere make the same promises upon their admission to The Order:
To obey The Rule of Prayer and the Rule of Service.
To offer at all times loyal aid to our clergy and parish to spread Christ’s kingdom.
To wear faithfully the cross of The Order.
To work for the purposes of The Order.
The DOK Bishop’s Chapter serves Daughters of the King at Holy Spirit, St. Paul’s, and St. Alban’s Episcopal Churches in Waco.
Talk to one of the Daughters of the King about attending one of the monthly meetings. Look for women wearing the cross of the Order, pictured above. The Daughters of the King meet on the first Sunday of the month at 1 pm. Please ask a Daughter at which church the meeting is taking place that month.
We welcome newcomers to our church family. There are many opportunities for service during worship in our parish. If you are interested in becoming more involved, please contact or the person named for each ministry below.
Altar Flowers
Donate a flower arrangement to decorate the altar. Arrangements may be dedicated in memory of a loved one, in celebration of a birthday, or in recognition of a special occasion.
The altar flower sign-up chart is located in the Narthex, and the cost for the arrangements is $70, paid by check or online indicating “Altar Flowers” in the memo line or notes. Pick your date and sign up!
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is a volunteer group of men and women who are devoted to caring for the vestments, vessels, and linens used at the altar. Members of the altar guild work in teams and rotate weeks. Some duties may be done at home such as laundering and ironing the linens. The Altar Guild also takes part in setting up weddings, funerals, and other special services.
All baptized persons are eligible to serve on the Altar Guild.
New members to the Altar Guild are always welcome. If you are interested in serving on the Altar Guild, please contact
Lectors read the Prayers and the Scriptures during the service. The public reading of the Holy Scriptures has long been a central feature of Christian worship and has its origin in the synagogue worship of Israel.
Lectors are scheduled on a rotating basis and are provided scriptures in advance to allow for practice before the Sunday service.
For more information, contact
Greeters and Ushers
The Greeters of Holy Spirit are lay persons that extend warm hospitality as they welcome guests and members at the entrance to the church (i.e., the Narthex). Greeters ensure that guests have a warm experience of God’s love at Holy Spirit.
The Ushers bring the people’s offerings of bread and wine to the altar (oblation), collect the offering, and in general assure the service proceeds smoothly. After the service, Ushers secure the offerings collected and gather the bulletins left in the pews.
Please contact if you are interested in helping with this ministry.
Servers assist the clergy in leading worship. These roles are open to children and adults.
Acolytes carry candles in processions.
The crucifer carries the processional cross in the entrance rite, the recessional, and when the gospel is brought into the congregation to be read.
When incense is used during a service, the thurifer carries the thurible, or incense burner, and tends the coals.
The subdeacon usually reads the Prayers of the People and assists the celebrant and the deacon at the altar during the Eucharist.
The roles of acolyte, crucifer, and thurifer are open to anyone who is baptized.
Subdeacons are licensed by the diocese as lay eucharistic ministers and so must be Confirmed Communicants in Good Standing.
If you would like to find out more about this ministry, contact Carl Spain ( for more information about serving at the altar.
Play a Musical Instrument
If you play an instrument and want to explore the possibility of adding your "voice" to our worship, please visit with one of the choir directors or email
Parish Fellowship and Formation
Joyful Events
We rejoice and celebrate important events in the lives of our parish family. This might be a wedding or baby shower, a retirement party, a fond farewell to someone that is moving away, or other special occasions.
Get involved and help us celebrate! Party planners are welcome!
Formation at Holy Spirit
We plan three twelve-week formation semesters beginning in February, June, and September in which we cover a variety of topics on Sunday mornings, Wednesday nights, and other days and times during the week.
Tuesday Morning Bible Study
Join this group and meet weekly during the formation semester for Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. All persons that would like to increase their knowledge of the Bible are welcome.
The group meets Tuesday mornings, 10:00 – 11:00 AM in the Parish Hall.
Contact Joyce Stokes (254-652-3294).
Wednesday Faith and Fiction
Join us for a challenging discussion and fellowship on Wednesday evenings during the formation semester. Topics vary from book studies, addressing the tough questions of faith, learning to love your neighbor, etc.
All are welcome! Nursery care is available.
Men’s Thursday Breakfast Group
We meet on Thursdays during the formation semester, 8:00 AM, in the Parish Hall. All men are invited to participate. Newcomers are welcome! Share coffee, conversation on current topics, breakfast, a devotional, sing a song or two, and pray. A great way to start the day. Everyone is welcome!
Contact Easton Allen (254-772-2026) or Bill Hearn (254-292-8282) for additional information.
Community Care Mission and Outreach
Knitting and Crochet Group
Meets Fridays 10:30 am - 12 pm.
Holy Spirit’s “Holy Hands” and Central Presbyterian’s “Mission Crafters” groups knit or crochet baby blankets, hats, washcloths, and prayer shawls to extend the love of our parishes to those who need comfort during a crisis. Items are delivered personally or sent to various charities and medical facilities.
Get Involved
NO SKILLS REQUIRED! If you would like to learn how to make gifts for those in need, we would love to teach you. Join us for fellowship and refreshment, ending with prayer to bless the work of our hands. All are welcome!
Contact Candace Morton ( for more information.
Trunk or Treat
Neighborhood trick-or-treaters and their families are invited to trick-or-treat on Holy Spirit’s campus. Volunteers are needed to serve as greeters and cheerfully welcome our neighbors! Dress-up and decorate/host a table of treats. Have fun sharing treats with children and their parents or care-takers.
Donate CANDY (individually wrapped)
Donate TEAL PUMPKIN TREATS (pencils, stickers, and small toys). Teal Pumpkin treats are available for non-candy eaters!
Contact Shari Pauley ( to volunteer.
Serving Others
“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
Matthew 18:20
Lay Eucharistic Visitors
As part of the Parish Care Team, Lay Eucharistic Visitors (LEVs) provide the sacrament of Holy Communion to parishioners that are unable to attend church services.
Would you like to have communion brought to you?
All members of Holy Spirit are part of our community, even when they are no longer able to join us for worship. If you are not able to attend services and would like to receive communion, please contact David Spencer (, 512-557-6923) for more information.
Would you like to serve in this ministry?
Those who perform this ministry are Confirmed Communicants in Good Standing that have been trained and then authorized by the Diocese of Texas. Schedule a time to visit with our clergy to learn about how to become a Lay Eucharist Visitor.
Remembering the Flock
Cards, Phone calls, Visits
"I hope to visit you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete."
2 John 1:12
Parishioners may become isolated from the church due to the pandemic, illness, a new baby, divorce, bereavement, or other life challenges. Thoughtful contacts made by phone, visits, and other expressions of cheer assure members that they are an important part of our Christian family.
Examples of how we show care
Send cards to celebrate birthdays, express get-well wishes, or sympathy on the death of a loved one.
Make personal contact with those that have not been in services recently so that they know we miss them.
Join the Parish Prayer Group and reach out to persons listed on the Prayer List, members that are unable to attend services, or to those we have missed seeing in church recently. DONATE: Birthday, Sympathy, Thinking of You, Get Well, or Blank greeting cards.
Preparation: Safeguarding God’s People workshop and orientation with Parish Care.
Contact: Fr. Larry Adams-Thompson.
Spiritual Care
Request a Special Service
Baptisms, Weddings, Reaffirmation of Marriage Vows, Funerals
Special services for individual members of Holy Spirit can be arranged in consultation with the clergy.
If you want to plan a special service, please contact the church. Things to know:
Some services are not offered for non-members.
The date and time of the services must be arranged with the clergy BEFORE confirming with reception halls or area funeral homes.
If you would like a planning guide for funeral arrangements, contact the church office.
House Blessing
The Church blesses homes to invite Jesus to dwell there as an honored guest. Homes may be blessed in response to things that have occurred in the home in the past or may simply be an opportunity for joy and celebration for your family and friends.
It is traditional to bless homes during Epiphany or Easter. Homes may be blessed multiple times if desired.
Please contact Fr. Jason Ingalls ( to request a house blessing.
Thanksgiving for the Birth of a Child
The clergy of Holy Spirit are always delighted to come to the hospital the day of or after a child is born to offer a brief service of thanksgiving. It is particularly appropriate to include any siblings and close family members in this joyous occasion.
Please contact the church office (254-772-1982) to request a service of thanksgiving.
When to Call a Priest
In the event of a pastoral crisis such as death in the family, serious illness, an accident, or any other pastoral emergency, parishioners may contact clergy at any time, day or night, seven days a week.
A priest may always be reached by email or by calling the church office (254-772-1982). If the office is closed, select the emergency option on the answering machine.
If possible, a priest should be called whenever someone is near death in order for them to administer Last Rites and pray with the family.
Please call when someone is:
Ill or hospitalized;
Experiencing distress and needs pastoral care;
Wants to discuss spiritual or theological matters;
Has reason to celebrate; or
Is in need of spiritual comfort.
Parishioners may call the church office (254-772-1982) any time to set up an appointment for a non-crisis situation.
Pastoral Counseling for Parishioners
The clergy are available to meet with members of the church family for pastoral counseling.
Things to know
As is true with most parish clergy, the clergy at Holy Spirit are not certified and trained professional counselors.
Holy Spirit clergy will listen carefully, offer encouragement and direction if appropriate, provide spiritual insight or perspective, and make appropriate referrals to those certified and trained to respond to certain needs.
Clergy may not meet more than three consecutive times with an individual on the same topic before making a referral to a trained professional.
Make an Appointment
If you would like to meet with the clergy, please call the church office at (254) 772-1982 during office hours to schedule a time.
Persons may also access the priest’s calendar and book directly using this link
Emergency Situations
Priest Needed Now!
In an emergency situation (someone has gone into the hospital or has died) that occurs after office hours, please call the Church Office and select the Emergency Option on the answering machine. Your call will be returned as quickly as possible.
What the clergy needs to know:
Because hospitals in the United States are legally bound to keep patient information private and will not provide patient information to non-family members, hospitals will not inform clergy that a church member has been admitted.
It is therefore extremely important that the following information be included in your call to the clergy if you wish a pastoral visit:
The name of the person contacting the clergy and a phone number where you can be reached for additional information.
The name of the person who is in the hospital or has died and their relation to the person calling. Make sure to provide the legal name under which they have been admitted to the hospital, not nickname, so that the clergy can locate them.
For hospitalization, the name of the hospital the person has been admitted to and if known, when they were admitted.
Communication to the church office and clergy is vital. Thank you for your help and cooperation in caring for the parishioners of our church.
Please understand the clergy respect your individual privacy and need for confidentiality. We will not share your name or situation with other parishioners without your consent.
Grief Support
We, Your Church Family, Are Here for You
“Who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”
2 Corinthians 1:4
Grief is a natural part of human life. For those who have lost loved ones, we provide free resources on grieving that arrive at regular intervals over the course of the first year after a loss.
If you or someone you know could use these resources on grieving, contact Fr. Jason Ingalls (