Children’s Formation at Holy Spirit

The Presentation of the Good Shepherd, the central work in Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, is expanded on in meaning and depth as each child grows.

The Presentation of the Good Shepherd, the central work in Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, is expanded on in meaning and depth as each child grows.

Disability Inclusion

Practical life and art materials in the Level I Atrium.

Practical life and art materials in the Level I Atrium.

We are committed as a church to becoming fully disability-inclusive. We believe this is an essential expression of the Gospel. You can read more about our commitments here.

Please don’t hesitate to be in touch with us to discuss how we can best welcome your child to our atrium. You can use the form found here to set up a conversation with us, or be in touch with Karen O’Bric, our children’s formation director, by email.  

Registration Forms

Registrations forms are required after the third visit to Holy Spirit, but feel free to fill them out in advance:

Children’s Registration Form (3-12 year olds, one per child.)

Emergency Contact Form (Only one needed per household, including for children in the nursery.)


All our teachers and helpers are certified in Safeguarding God’s Children, a program that includes an extensive background check and training in proper conduct with children. Conduct includes a requirement for two unrelated safeguarded adults to be present in a children’s classroom at all times and proper procedures for interaction with children. To learn more about Safeguarding, please click here.