How we help your child thrive.
We all want our children to grow up to be healthy, happy, and responsible adults, but we often find ourselves feeling lonely and isolated in our role as parents or guardians. We also want God to be part of their lives, but it can be hard to find a Christian community that meets our children’s needs.
We get it. It’s hard. Our pastor Fr. Jason is a dad to two young kids. As a church community, we have rallied around our children and their parents, offering classes, social activities, and real responsibility for our kids. We know how to meet the needs of children and their parents.
And we know what happens when our kids’ needs for health, happiness, and responsibility aren’t met. We’ve felt that isolation and loneliness ourselves. We know what it’s like to struggle through another week with no break and little support. We know what it’s like to wonder if our kids will have the kind of lives we dream for them.
Children thrive.
That’s why, at Holy Spirit, you and your kids are important. During the formation semester (Feb-Apr, Jun-Aug, Oct-Dec), we host age-appropriate classes for kids using the Spark Rotation Method.[1] We include children in our weekly worship service. (No kid is too loud or too fidgety). We invite children to help lead in worship through reading Scripture, music, and serving at the Altar. Through formation, worship, and service, we give your kid the opportunity to make friends, grow, and thrive.
All of our teachers have had a background check and have been certified in Safeguarding God’s Children (https://www.epicenter.org/safeguarding/home/), a ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas.
Imagine your kids six months from now. You notice a bounce in their step. They’re making new friends and feel included. You beam with pride when they help lead worship for the first time. And now imagine them when they’re leaving your home for their adult lives, having received a solid foundation in God’s love at Holy Spirit Episcopal Church. What might they be capable of then?